Third Eye Chakra

Two-Petaled Lotus

Color: Indigo

Element: Light

Body: Pituitary & Penal Glands, Eyes, Head & Lower Brain

Crystals: Ametrine, Purple Fluorite, Labradorite, Lapis Lazuli

Affirmation: I see

Adding indigo to our ever-expanding rainbow bridge, we arrive at our sixth chakra: Ajna “to perceive”. It represents our intuition, wisdom and insight. We can see where we have been, where we are now, and predict where we are going. This is the key location where we deepen our spiritual connection and our consciousness. Placed in the middle of the forehead or between the brows, the Third Eye chakra governs the pituitary and penal glands, eyes, head and lower brain. As we work with the subtle body energy, we are revealed the door to the divine. It’s natural to see this chakra develop throughout adolescence, during the time that we uncover different opinions, mindsets, cultures, religions, etc. The task here is to establish our personal identity and our ability to perceive patterns.

Illusion is the “demon” of this chakra. Only seeing your perception of reality and not accepting what truly is will feed this demon, manifesting as delusion or obsession. Additionally, block of energy can result from this. Fearing the unknown or lack of connection can show a blockage. Physical symptoms can include headaches, vision problems and sensitivity to light.

An overactive Third Eye chakra demonstrates poor discernment, leaving a person overly bombarded with emotions, images or any form of input. This unmasks hallucinations, obsessions, nightmares and delusions. A person can struggle with concentration and meditation if the excess energy prevents them from focusing. Consider an excess has no boundary, and a deficiency shows too much boundary. Self-reflection is very narrow and egotistical. There is insensitivity to others, poor memory and inability to visualize or imagine. The sixth chakra could have been closed down for protection, so handling repressed memories and resistance to change consumes a lot of this area’s energy.

Stimulating this chakra requires patience. It’s more about developing the Ajna rather than healing it. We are not typically taught to trust our intuition, to think symbolically or even believe in mythical or physic awareness. Dreamwork, visual art and meditation and grow this chakra. Explore books you work never think to read, like Mythology. Listen to your body and mind, become in-tune with your intuition and goals. If you’d like to boost the energy physically, seated yoga poses like Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose), Hero Pose and forward bends are great starters. The breathing technique known as Alternate Nostril Breathing encourages balance between both hemispheres of the brain, and cleanses our subtle energy channels. All of these choices support clairvoyance, the act of truly “seeing” and perceiving things past the normal sensory contact.

Harmony in the sixth chakra evolves a person into a perceptive, imaginative, intuitive being. Deciphering dreams comes with ease, as well as resolving the contradictions between perception and reality and the ability to validate your gut feeling. We are becoming directly linked with the Ultimate and transcending ordinary awareness. We’re seeing our way through the system, growing our consciousness upwards. Building this step of our bridge prepares us for the final passage.

“By learning to contact, listen to, and act on our intuition, we can directly connect to the higher power of the universe and allow it to become our guiding force.” - Shakti Gawain

Here are some journal prompts for use to help work with your sixth chakra more closely:

  • Do I trust myself to make good decisions? Do I consider myself intuitive?

  • Are there areas of my life where I can be close-minded? Open-minded?

  • What does it mean to me to be spiritually aligned?

  • How do I react to major life changes?

  • Do I feel safe surrendering, or do I have a difficult time letting go of control?

  • Describe a time where you showed incredible mental strength.

Crown Chakra up NEXT!


Crown Chakra


Throat Chakra