Crown Chakra

Thousand-Petaled Lotus

photo from Wikipedia

Color: Violet/Pure White

Element: Thought

Body: Hypothalamus, Endocrine & Nervous Systems, Skull & Brain

Crystals: Clear Quartz, Moonstone, Selenite, Howlite

Affirmation: I know

Sahasrara is our last chakra, our final portal to the divine. It means “thousand” or “infinite”, relating to the lotus representing it. You can see it depicted as a violet or pure white lotus, sometimes with all colors in between! This is the center for our intelligence, universal identity and spiritual maturity. Our Crown chakra is located right at the top of our head, governing our brain and pituitary glands/thalamus, or “God’s eye”. It’s complimentary to the Third Eye chakra, with resembling thoughts and emotions. If all the lower chakras have been worked on correctly and opened, we can sit back and let our consciousness just be. As our system grows, our Crown chakra expands in early adulthood and after. Sometimes people go through the system as they grow up and lose their way, but come back to the chakras and endure a “rebirth” as they become realigned with their authentic Self.

Attachment is the opposite force working against the Crown. “While attachment is necessary for making and maintaining commitments essential to the lower chakras, it inhibits our ability to expand in the Crown chakra. Attachment denies the constant fluid state of the universal system.” - Anodea Judith. This can create our famous blockages, including feeling isolated or lonely, inability to connect with others and lack of direction or struggling with goals. Here is we command and dictate our life and our power, while harmoniously accepting the Universe and its plan.

An excess in Sahasrara is actually common, as it’s easy for us to stay stuck in our heads and detach ourselves from our body’s and the world around us. Also, any unresolved energy from the lower system can shoot up and stay contained in the seventh chakra. An obsession in religion (or opposite- purity) shows the energy is not being dispersed correctly, which shows an excess. Overall, there is poor mental function. The deficiency in this chakra is someone who is closed off to any input. A know-it-all or the chronic skeptic could have a hard time looking at other perspectives or thinking mystically, as they believe nothing outside of the physical, tangible world exists. It’s important to be in tune with this chakra not only for its own benefit, but so we can see symptoms of other blocked chakras in working with this one.

Activating the seventh chakra requires accepting and awakening to our spiritual nature. As we work through this system and all the “demons” of them, we are liberated and free to be our true Self. Just like the Third Eye chakra, it’s more about developing it versus healing it. We learn to release ourselves of false beliefs and the constant demands of the outside world. The best tool is meditation, building the capacity for concentration and stillness. Practicing mindfullness and non-attachment is very beneficial as well and it helps to transcend the ego. Physical postures such as Tree pose, Headstands, vertical stretches and easy seated poses assist in awakening the Crown chakra and allow you to focus and be still.

As the Crown chakra balances, you may feel more at ease and comfortable in everyday life. There is a strong connection between body and mind. Feeling relaxed and “clear-headed”, you gain the capacity to situate yourself in the world around you and the spiritual realm. Using the techniques above will create the bridge to your Highest Self. We have arrived at true peace.

Although a crack in the bridge needs repairing, it’s important to look at our chakra system (Rainbow Bridge) as a whole, acknowledging a rainbow can’t be a rainbow without ALL the colors!

Here are some journal prompts for use to help work with your seventh chakra more closely:

  • What (or who) is God to me? What is my relationship to a higher power?

  • Do I always feel worthy of the Universe’s love? Why or why not?

  • How can I connect with my highest self in my daily life?

  • When do I feel most peaceful?

  • What is my soul’s purpose? Do I feel connected to this purpose?

  • List five blessings in your life right now.

Chakra System Complete :)


Introduction/Eight Limbs of Yoga


Third Eye Chakra