Throat Chakra

Sixteen-Petaled Lotus

photo from Pinterest

Sixteen-Petalled Lotus: The sixteen petals of the throat chakra is associated with the sixteen vowels of sanskrit. The vowels are light and easy to pronounce, signifying the airy quality of communication. This is why a blocked throat chakra influences the ability to communicate.

The Inverted Triangle: The inverted triangle represents a channel to our consciousness and soul, a direct expression of our higher self.

The Circle: The throat chakra is symbolized by a circle resting within a triangle, which represents the full moon. This symbolizes a purified mind.

description from

Color: Blue

Element: Ether(Space)/Sound

Body: Thyroid, Mouth & Jaw, Neck & Ears

Crystals: Aquamarine, Chrysocolla, Blue Calcite, Azurite

Affirmation: I speak

The throat chakra is also called Vishuddha in Sanskrit, and translates to ‘pure’ or ‘purification’ – a perfect word for the power of expression and learning to use one's own voice. It’s located in the center of the throat or base of the Larynx. The fifth chakra focuses on how we communicate our dreams, thoughts, feelings, and how we externalize our sense of self. It’s represented by the soothing color of blue, and can be linked with the element of ether/space, or sound as communication has a light, airy quality. It’s a hugely important chakra that carries with it feelings of confidence, self-worth, connection, and helps form a flow of energy between the heart and the mind. The developmental stage of the throat chakra is between ages seven to twelve as we start to feel more comfortable speaking our mind.

Taking a moment to check in on our Vishuddha, do you consistently feel tense in the neck or jaw? Do you feel you have issues with communication or creativity? These are common factors in a stuck or blocked fifth chakra. Any form of “toxicity” in your life can cause an immediate struggle here, considering its meaning is “pure” and encourages nothing but the truth. The demon of this chakra is Lies, which relates perfectly to excessiveness. Gossiping, talking as a defense, inability to listen/waiting for your turn to speak, and a dominating voice are all signs of an overactive throat chakra. A deficiency expresses itself as a small, weak voice, difficulty talking or putting your feelings into words, introversion and poor rhythm. A person can even be prone to exaggeration (excess) or secretive (deficient).

Healing the fifth chakra requires going deep into our upbringing. Have you ever experienced so much criticism it blocks your flow of creativity? What about your parents? Did they overly-stress the “don’t talk back!” rule or used verbal abuse? Reflect on the issues you feel halt your airy flow of communication and creativity. Methods like singing, journaling, storytelling, voice dialog and stretching neck and shoulders can be a perfect start to open our throat chakra. Physical asana can be the easiest first step. Yoga poses such as Cat/Cow, Plow Pose, Shoulder-stands and the breathing technique “Lion’s Breath” bring a fresh wave of pure energy to this area.

The goal for our chakra system is just to find harmony in all parts. Our Heart and Throat chakra are intertwined, as it creates the passageway of perception of information and expressing it and ourselves into the material world. The fifth chakra is the prime transmitter of consciousness itself. Balance presents clear communication, a good listener with a resonant voice and the freedom to live creatively.

Speak Your Truth!

Here are some journal prompts for use to help work with your fifth chakra more closely:

  • How do I live my authentic truth in my daily life?

  • Why is it important for me to be an attentive listener?

  • In what situations do I hold back speaking my truth?

  • How do I feel when I know someone is lying?

  • How do I make decisions?

  • Do I express myself creatively?


Third Eye Chakra


Heart Chakra