
The second Yama of our series is satya, the truth in all forms. Not only truthfulness in words but in actions, thoughts and intentions.

Satya is a profound virtue known in most major traditions as a dedication to the unspoken truth that nestles within our hearts.

Using the literal translation for the root sat, “being”, it is the practice of being in the present moment with truth. It is a way of living.

Satya is not blindly and bluntly speaking the truth or whatever is on your mind. A guide that is used for satya is the Gates of Speech: Are my words true? Are they necessary? It is the right time to say these words? Are they kind?

Ahimsa and satya are closely linked as it’s important to find the balance between the two. Are you living your truth if you push past your limitations just to get into a certain pose?

The sages say love is before truth. An immense act of nonviolence to all is to only tell harmless truths.

“If in doubt whether to observe ahimsa or satya, always go with ahimsa.” — Swami Vivekananda

Benefits of practicing Satya:

It is about finding your purpose. Asking honest questions about yourself and evaluating how you feel about your path in life. Are you living your truth? Or should you consider a change in your job, location, or create time to focus on your relationships and yourself? Can you feel the truth/untruth in your body? Meditating on these questions can help shape your mind to create a more fulfilling, meaningful life. Practicing satya is transforming in all aspects.

“Our thoughts, emotions and moods are extremely interchangeable, yet these are the things that create our own truth and our whole life experience. If ‘sat’ means ‘unchangeable’, then this can make us aware that much of our experience of life is brought about by paying more attention to that which changes, rather than the unchanging truth.”

On Satya:

Maya Angelou said: “Most people will not remember what you said or what you did. But they will remember how you made them feel.”

“A word is a bird and the teeth are the cage; if we let the bird fly, we can never get it back.” — Sri Swami Sivanandaji

Affirmations: I am honest with myself today. I choose to speak and act with integrity. I communicate my thoughts, feelings, and beliefs with kindness in all my relationships.


