
Now that we’re on our third Yama, you might start to realize that these “rules” are really deeper than they first appear. Asteya doesn’t only refer to the act of not stealing physical possessions, just as ahimsa means more than not being violent physically, and as satya means more than just not lying.

Stealing comes from a feeling of greed or scarcity; feeling like you are incomplete without that certain thing. It’s important to embody the feeling of abundance— that you already have everything you need. Asteya also encourages the idea to trust the universe or your higher power. Trusting that when we give our best, it is enough, and that everything will fall into place. Feeling so complete with our lives and ourselves that we don’t feel the desire to look for what others have.

“Being honest and straightforward builds integrity. Asteya is respecting one’s own possessions and also those of others; it is learning to love unconditionally. We meet our obligations, return things we borrow, and clearly state our own conditions when we make an agreement.” — A Woman’s Guide to Tantra Yoga by Vimala McClure

It is said that stealing diminishes the light in our souls. While most of us are not criminals, there could be other ways in which we “steal”. For example: withholding money, materials, information, love. Not respecting others’ time by being late or talking too long; cheating on tests or taxes, lying on an application, or turning away from someone who needs us. These all go against the spirit of asteya.

Benefits of practicing Asteya:

  • Strengthens the practice of mindfulness and contentment

  • Assists in self-reliance, like being prompt and setting personal boundaries

  • Boosts gratitude

  • Increases awareness of the self and others

  • Encourages minimalism, focusing on what you need and not what you want

Asteya encompasses generosity of resources, time, and love. It enables us to enjoy the innate beauty of life. By opening yourself up to the abundance of life, you will see every potential it has to offer and you will naturally, continuously grow.

On Asteya:

Lao Tzu said: “The secret waits for eyes unclouded by longing.” (desire)

“Abiding in generosity and honesty, material and spiritual prosperity is bestowed.” — The Secret Power of Yoga by Nischala Joy Devi

“To one established in non-stealing, all wealth comes.” The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

*Patanjali is the author of The Yoga Sutras which defines our eight limbs of yoga, and explains the theory, practice and philosophy of yoga*


