Root Chakra

Four-Petaled Lotus

picture from Healing Design

Color: Red

Element: Earth

Body: Legs & Hips, Adrenal glands & Kidneys

Crystals: Red Jasper, Hematite, Tourmaline, Garnet

Affirmation: I am


In Sanskrit, Muladhara contains two words, Mula being “root” and adhara being “base/support”. Accordingly, our chakra system starts at the very base of the spine. Activating your perineal muscles (hammock-shaped muscles in your pelvic floor) can help you locate the general area. The root chakra lays the groundwork and is the foundation of all the other chakras. It begins to form in the womb and continues until about 12 months of age. This chakra is responsible for your sense of security and stability and is associated with physical health, trust, prosperity and tribe/family. Your “roots”.

Developing certain defense techniques (from trauma or stressors) can lead to blockages to the corresponding chakra, creating an amour like shield. A blocked root chakra can feel like you’re disconnected or dissociated from your body, strong fear or anxiety, or uncontrollable anger. Components of an excessive first chakra could be insecurity, trouble embracing change, greed and hoarding. On the other hand, a deficiency could be expressed as fearfulness, no self-discipline and chaotic movements.

Working to heal the root chakra starts with who you are at the human core. Focus on the physical realm like your body, your surroundings, the earth. The root chakra works closely with the feet, so techniques that could be used is massage or grounding, a therapeutic way to reconnect yourself to the earth around you by touching the ground with bare feet. Standing yoga poses like Mountain, Warrior II, Goddess and Triangle pose are great for activating and opening the first chakra.

A healthy first chakra gives a sense of contentment throughout the body. There is a strong sense of presence and an affirmed right to be here. A balanced root chakra is solidly grounded yet dynamically alive.

Here are some journal prompts for use to help work with your first chakra more closely:

  • What does strength mean to me?

  • When I get scared, what does my body do?

  • What in my external world helps me feel safe?

  • What do I need to feel supported?

  • What helps me stay in the present moment?

  • Compliment your body :)


Come back next week for the Sacral Chakra!


Sacral Chakra


Introduction to Chakras