Introduction to Chakras

The Subtle Body System

The chakra system is a seven-leveled philosophical model of the universe. It is an evolutionary program that can be used to reprogram our lives. Known as the sacred centers of our self, the word “chakra” in Sanskrit translates to “wheel” or “disc”. This refers to a spinning sphere of bioenergetic activity emanating from the major nerve ganglia branching forward from the spinal column. There are seven of these wheels stacked in a line of energy that starts from the base of the spine and reaches up past the head. Now technically, there are many minor chakras, as any vortex of activity throughout your body could be called a chakra. It is the seven major ones that correlate with basic states of consciousness.

In her book Eastern Body Western Mind, Anodea Judith states, “Chakras are not physical entities in and of themselves. Like feelings or ideas, they cannot be held like a physical object, yet they have a strong effect upon the body as they express the embodiment of spiritual energy on the physical plane… Just as the emotions can and do affect our breathing, heart rate, and metabolism, the activities of the various chakras influence our glandular processes, body shape, chronic physical ailments, thoughts, and behavior. By using techniques such as yoga, breathing, bioenergetics, physical exercises, meditation, and visualization, we can, in turn, influence our chakras. our health, and our lives.”

We’ve all had times where we feel like our energy seems blocked, or you don’t feel as free-flowing as you once did. Many things can block a chakra, like cultural conditioning, childhood traumas, physical or emotional injuries, etc. Habitual blocks may fall into a category related to a chakra. For example, if you have trouble with authoritarianism or shaming, your third (solar plexus) chakra could be blocked. Or if communication is a struggle, your fifth (throat) chakra could have a block. Becoming familiar with the chakra system can help you target the blockages and heal them. As these energies swirl in a sphere, spinning too fast or too slow can cause an excessive or deficient chakra. This is different than a blockage. We can probably look through our lives and think of times where we had a pattern of overcompensation or avoidance. To increase your energy and attention to a stressor would cause an excess, as to decrease your energy and withdraw from a stressor would cause a deficiency. As we develop through life we can be excess in some areas and deficient in others. That’s why we work with the chakras to heal them individually and balance out the whole system. Techniques like meditation, physical exercises, real-world tasks and visualization help influence change in a chakra.

Remember: It is quite common to have a perfectly good program and not know how to activate it.

Hatha Yoga poses evolved as vehicles for opening and balancing the chakras. An understanding of the relationship between the chakras and individual poses is then essential for gaining the full benefits of the poses. Each chakra opens us up to a different dimension of our being! 

Integrating the chakra system into your life can benefit your over-all wellbeing, both physically and emotionally. Using this Rainbow Bridge will help create a balance for you, connecting mind and body, Heaven and Earth, spirit and matter.


Root Chakra