Policies & Other Info

Souled Out Yoga classes are offered via Zoom.

Holly teaches in-person classes at Love Yoga Studio. Please check this website for their own policies and requirements. Thank you!


Registrations are accepted on a first come, first serve basis. To secure your spot, please submit your payment as soon as registration opens (announced on website and newsletter) every month.


Life happens! If you realize you can no longer attend classes, please notify me as soon as possible. Refunds are calculated by the time the cancellation has been requested, not by the day of last attendance. (Registration only.) Here is the breakdown:

First week of classes: 100% Second week: 75% Third or fourth week: 50%

Fifth week (if applicable): 25%

No refunds are given after the fifth week. Registration for one session does NOT transfer to another session. (No roll-overs)

Flat rate fee of $12 per class. You may register at the beginning of the month to secure your spot, or attend by a “drop-in” basis, only paying for the class attended that day. Payment must be received before you can access the class link.


If a student misses a class, they are able to make up the missed class during another class time. If it’s not possible for the student to make up their own class during the given timeframe, we can arrange a different time off schedule to help make up the class. Students can do this ONE time per session. Make-ups must be completed during the current session/month.

How to Set Up for Zoom/What to Bring to Class

First find a nice open area in your space, comfortable enough for your whole body and yoga mat. Have your computer far away enough so I can see your body head to toe. If you’re not comfortable having your camera on, no problem! Just be aware that I can’t see you (obviously) so I’m not able to offer you any adjustment tips or modifications. A blanket or two is recommended, and yoga blocks and straps are optional. Also, please avoid wearing baggy pants as they prevent me from helping you with your knee/leg alignment. Most importantly, bring your shining souls and happy hearts! See you on the mat!

Injuries, Physical/Medical Limitations

Please let me know before class about any physical problems or medical conditions you may have.

Have other questions? Need help? Contact Holly anytime.