
In ancient India, svadhyaya was the study of spiritual texts or repetition of mantras. The basic tradition of this Niyama is still relevant, but the modern take reflects more on the study of the self. It’s the practice of looking deeper within ourselves and the world around us. Svadhyaya encourages us to move towards understanding ourselves and becoming connected with our own divinity.

“Any activity that cultivates self-reflective consciousness can be considered svadhyaya.” — Donna Farhi

Though it’s easy to try and overwhelm yourself assuming self-care will help, that’s actually not all svadhyaya is about. Self-study is realizing that your mind is individual and distinctive, but it is not apart from the collective Consciousness. One of the original yogic teachings of this was with the image of the wave:

But the substance of every wave is the sea itself. Waves and the substance from which they arise are one and the same. And since individual waves are part of the sea, as they appear and disappear, they neither increase nor decrease the immensity of water in which they have their being. A wave is never other than the ocean—though it has its individual identity so long as it is manifested on the ocean’s surface.

“We carry it within us; supreme strength, the fullness of wisdom, unquenchable joy. It is never thwarted and cannot be destroyed. But it is hidden deep. — Huston Smith

Resting in that understanding, we can start the process of learning about ourselves. Whatever the practice may be, as long as there is an intention to know yourself through it, you’ll always have that advantage. Then, looking back on your experiences and how you felt or reacted to them can tell a lot about yourself.

As you observe your habitual tendencies and patterns, it’s important to adopt an attitude of non-judgment. When studying yourself it’s easy to slide into a judgmental mindset, which is another tendency you can observe. Notice it, acknowledge it, and then come back to observing yourself with no judgment. 

Benefits of practicing Svadhyaya:

  • Better understanding of the nature of the mind

  • Creates wisdom and insight in navigating your life

  • Connection to our inner Self

  • Encourages non-judgment towards yourself and others

Explore even more as you delve into yourself with an open mind and heart. By thoroughly contemplating and reflecting on yourself, maybe you’ll move beyond the boundaries of emotion and thought and tap into the pure consciousness that lies deep within.

 On Svadhyaya:

Study brings us wisdom, wisdom brings us life.” — Rabbi Hillel

Eckhart Tolle said: “To know yourself as the Being underneath the thinker, the stillness underneath the mental noise, the love and joy underneath the pain, is freedom, salvation, enlightenment.”

“It is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of someone else’s destiny with perfection.” — The Bhagavad Gita


