Solar Plexus Chakra

Ten-Petaled Lotus

photo from Healing Design

Color: Yellow

Element: Fire

Body: Digestive System, Pancreas & Liver, Metabolism, Stomach & Abdominal Muscles

Crystals: Yellow Jasper, Pyrite, Sunstone, Aragonite

Affirmation: I do

The Manipura chakra is the fire within you. In Sankrit it means “the city of jewels” or “lustrous gem”, alluding to the powerhouse of your chakra system. It is your strength and stamina, willpower and ego. Continuing to develop our sense of Self, the Solar Plexus chakra brings in a more advanced feeling: POWER. Whether it be physical, financial, political or otherwise, our personal power begins to burn. Based around our stomach and abs, think of this area as the furnace, the cause or reason behind our all actions. Here is where we start to set ourselves “apart” from others, or individualization. The sparks start a little under two years until the age four.

This picture is from the book Eastern Body, Western Mind by Anodea Judith and explains the crucial position of the Solar Plexus chakra.

Referring to a chakra that is blocked means that two opposing forces meet. You may feel angry at your boss but also want their approval. Since both of these energies cannot be expressed, a block is made. A closed-off Manipura chakra can have issues with authority, shame, autonomy and confidence. Eating disorders emerge from this blockage, as well as digestive disorders, chronic fatigue and conditions like hypoglycemia and hypertension. The excessive traits reveal manipulative actions, temper tantrums, over-competitiveness and the need to be right at all costs. There is so much power circling this chakra that if not healed correctly it can turn the Self into an overly aggressive, power-hungry being. A deficiency or under-activity is the exact opposite. There is no willpower or self esteem and even the physical center of the being can be collapsed with the lack of energy. The victim mentality evolves, as well as extreme passivity and unreliability.

While the Solar Plexus chakra can seem very intense, healing can be done gently. The most important detail to work on is the ego. Growing a healthy ego means letting go of attachments and displaying your authentic Self. Journaling can be very beneficial for working out feelings related to the ten petals, and evaluating your aspirations and dreams. Doing challenging material or stimulating activities can awaken the third chakra. Core-strengthening yoga poses and twists activate our center. Head-to-Knee pose, Seated Boat, Plank pose, seated spinal twists and revolved standing poses all kindle your inner fire.

Quoted from the book mentioned above, a balanced Solar Plexus “brings a healthy sense of power as well as its limits. It promotes a proactive and causative approach to life, one that is confident, warm, responsible, and persevering.” Feeling like you are in control of your responsibilities without a power trip creates a strong third chakra. The ability to not take life too seriously and sometimes laugh at yourself shows healing and growth.

Here are some journal prompts for use to help work with your third chakra more closely:

  • When do I feel most confident?

  • What is the source of my confidence? Is it internal or external?

  • How do I handle criticism?

  • Do I believe I can achieve my goals and dreams?

  • Why is it worth it for me to choose positivity?

  • List all the positive aspects that make you awesome!



Heart Chakra


Sacral Chakra