Practice yoga in the comfort of your own home.

Hatha yoga honors the body through physical postures, or asanas. We learn how to align the body in such a way that it improves flexibility and strength, so that aches, pains, and injuries are reduced. It is also awareness of the breath to aid in relaxation and connect to the vital energy of the world, prana. But there is more to yoga than just simply moving the body and breathing.

Mind, body and soul are not separate entities. It’s easy to divide them to make them comprehensible, but in reality they all live in harmony. The word yoga comes from the Sanskrit root “yuj” meaning “to yoke” or “to join/unite”. Yoga is a path to seamlessly connect all parts of the individual self into one whole.

Classes here are beginner friendly! The main sequencing uses basic yoga postures to open, stretch and strengthen every part of the body along with light breathing exercises to relax the mind. All souls are welcome, whether you have some experience or none at all!

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